Sunday, April 10, 2011

Portrait: Tony

It's always wonderful when you meet a child who is just so sweet and amazing. Working in the public service industry doesn't exactly give you a lot of hope as far as reproducing. The amount of balling, misbehaving children I experienced at Safeway could have given me nightmares for the rest of my life! All of those nightmares were quickly stripped away by the most easily pleased and sweetest little boy I have potentially ever met, Tony.

You would have never known by these photos that he had only received a ten minute nap before we got there. As soon as he opened his eyes, he was a happy little man with giggles on the brain. He even got to try his first Popsicle!!! Which, of course, he was not too happy to give up (One of the only 2 times he was even remotely close to being upset). It was so much fun to watch his inquisitive eyes look over everything and everyone. Tony was a complete blissful dream come true and I can't wait to get to come back and see how much he's grown for his 9 month photos in July!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for posting this Kaelyn. I forget sometimes (usually when I'm sleep deprived) just how lucky I am to have such a beautifully sweet baby.
