Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Fight Club

I'd like to start off by saying I'm a die hard Chuck Palahniuk fan. The man is a literary genius. I could just sit snuggled up on the couch reading his books all day long. That aside, Palahniuk love runs in my family. My brother is also a huge fan of his and Fight Club is his favorite movie and book. My brother is also far more artistic than me. He can draw like no one I've ever seen. I can never get over how unbelievably talented he is. SO, I totally had to go all out and make him something amazing for his 20th birthday this past weekend.

Behold: The Fight Club Art Piece.
My boyfriend and I collectively joined forces to create the art piece my mind had some how decided to show me. And it was a giant success! I'm always hesitant to pursue artistic endeavors outside of photography. I'm an extreme perfectionist, and if it doesn't look exactly the way I envisioned it, it might as well be trash. Forunately, this wasn't the case with this canvas endeavor.

Yes, that's pages from Fight Club the novel.
Yes, that's spray painted faces of Edward Norton and Brad Pitt.
Yes, that's an original quote from both the film and the book.

And yes, this IS the greatest thing you've ever seen.

Needless to say I'm extremely proud of what I've accomplished with this thing. I'll be selling them on Etsy hopefully soon as I've finished a few more. If you're interested, they'll be $100 each. The canvas is 18 x 24 inches and if you have a personal favorite quote, I can absolutely do that one on it instead. If you know you want one and would like to reserve it, e-mail me at Shipping is available at an additional price.


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